Santa's Crypto Get-Together 2004

Praha, Hotel STEP, Spojovaci 1141, 6 - 7 December 2004

Santa's Crypto Get-Together - workshop about cryptography and related areas of security is held for the forth time. Program committee already selected submissions to be presented this year as well as stated the theme of the final panel discussion.

Santa's Crypto Get-Together is organised by TNS, a.s., supported by

Confidence inspired Vase jistota na trhu IT Look, Listen & Communicate


6 December 2004 (Monday)

14:30 - 15:30 registration

15:30 - 15:45 opening
15:45 - invited talk
Karthik Bhargavan - Verifying Security of Web Service Configurations ( presentation PDF)
         - 17:30 panel discussion - Provable Security - Future or Myth ( Rosa, Bhargavan, Hellekalek)
18:00 dinner

Followed by informal discussions of the workshop participants.

7 December 2004 (Tuesday)

The time of each presentation includes 5 minutes for questions.

  9:00 -   9:15 opening of the second day
  9:15 - 10:05 invited talk
Peter Hellekalek - A Concise Introduction to Random Number Generators ( presentation PDF)
10:05 - 10:40 Marek Klonowski, Miroslaw Kutylowski, Anna Lauks, Filip Zagorski - Universal Re-Encryption of Signatures and Controlling Anonymous Information Flow ( presentation PDF)
10:40 - 11:15 Petr Svenda - Implementation of a Cryptographic Protocol Using Mobile Cryptography
11:05 - 12:05 invited talk
Alexandre Stervinou - Digital Rights Management Work in Open Mobile Environment
12:05 - 13:30 Lunch
13:30 - 14:05 Vlastimil Klima - Attacks on Cipher Hiji-bij-bij (HBB)
14:05 - 14:40 Jan Krhovjak, Dan Cvrcek - Attacks On and Through API: PIN Recovery Attacks ( presentation PDF)
14:40 - 15:15 Coffee Break
15:15 - 17:15 panel discussion - Document Archiving - security and cryptography (in Czech)
final words and closing of the workshop