Santa's Crypto Get-Together 2017

30 November—1 December 2017, Prague, Czech Republic
Hotel Olympik, Sokolovská 138, Praha (meeting hall Olymp)

Santa's Crypto Get-Together (SantaCrypt) started in December 2001 as the first annual Czech and Slovak workshop aiming to facilitate closer cooperation of professionals working in the field of applied cryptography and related areas of security. This get-together of experts is organised in order to foster exchange of information and ideas on past, ongoing, and also future projects. We recognise the need of experts meeting their colleagues without the hassle of taking care of their (potential) customers, bosses and other distracting forces. ;-) The workshop is run in English in the first day and then Czech and Slovak the second day.

There will be invited lectures:

Medial Partners

Organised by

Supported by