Using Hamiltonian Totems as Passwords
David Naccache
This paper introduces a new method for someone to authenticate himself into
a system. In some sense, this can be seen as the illegitimate child between
biometric recognition and passwords. From the first, it borrows the pattern
matching algorithms that handle data and from the second, their secrecy. It
can also be interpreted as less privacy intrusive than biometrics while
keeping most of their characteristics. We call it visual passwords. The
underlying principle of visual passwords is quite simple: At the
registration step, you choose something as your password and take a
photography of it. In reference to the movie Inception, we call this image
your totem. You freely choose something that you have under your hand. Your
totems choice has to remain secret. The totem is then sent to the
authentication service. When you want to authenticate yourself, you take
another photography of your totem for a comparison image vs image with the
There are two ways to ensure a good entropy in the totems choice. The first
one is to choose among a great variety of different objects. This may cause
some difficulties during the second step of verification. The second one is
to have an object with a design with many possible configurations. In this
paper, we chose to study an object of this type. A Hamiltonian cycle
defines a circuit running through all vertexes of a graph. An Hamiltonian
graph provides high entropy for our totem and efficient algorithms exist to
generate Hamiltonian structures. At first we've thought of creating an
Hamiltonian cube but the recognition algorithm doesn't detect inner layers
when plunging inside the cube, so we decided to limit the Hamiltonian
circuit to the cube's surface. The Hamiltonian cycle is spreading on the
cube's four vertical faces and we place two plates on the upper and lower
faces for the structure's rigidity. This causes a loss in extractible
information available for recognition but we thus created a solid totem's
structure. This results in a unique key-ring type structure that is
extremely hard to copy.
In the talk we will also mention other uses of Hamiltonian circuits for
security purposes.