Santa's Crypto Get-Together 2008

Praha, 4—5 December 2008

Santa's Crypto Get-Together (SantaCrypt) started in December 2001 as the first annual Czech and Slovak workshop aiming to facilitate closer cooperation of professionals working in the field of applied cryptography and related areas of security. This get-together of experts is organised in order to foster exchange of information and ideas on past, ongoing, and also future projects. We recognise the need of experts meeting their colleagues without the hassle of taking care of their (potential) customers, bosses and other distracting forces. ;-) The workshop is run in English in the first day and then Czech and Slovak the second day.

Detailed information, including registration guidelines, will be available in the due course on workshop web pages:

Instructions for Authors

The program committee will accept submissions targeting cryptanalysis, applied cryptography, security applications of cryptography and other related areas. Proposals should be of 5—15 pages and formatted for anonymous evaluation (no names of authors or apparent references), and they will be accepted in two tracks — KEYMAKER (students) and standard track.

Word and LaTeX templates for submissions are also available from the workshop web: Submissions can be written in Czech, Slovak, or English.

Submissions should be mailed to matyas AT, and clearly marked either KEYMAKER or STANDARD TRACK. The final deadline for the submissions is 30th September 2008. Submissions will be evaluated by the program committee and authors will be informed about the evaluation results by 21st October. Camera-ready versions for the workshop proceedings have to be delivered by 18th November.


Submissions prepared according to the above stated instructions should be sent via email in the RTF, or LaTeX format. For sending the subbmission please use the address matyas AT_SIGN and subject "MKB 2008 -- paper submission". Final deadline for the submissions is 2 October 2008.

Important Dates

Submission deadline:  30 September, 2008
Acceptance/rejection notification:  21 October, 2008
Camera-ready format:  18 November, 2008
Workshop:  4—5 December, 2008

Program Committee

Medial Partners