, a.s.

Santa's Crypto Get-Together - Call for papers (Ceska verze)

December 10-11, 2001; Prague, Czech Republic

General information

Santa's Crypto Get-Together starts in December 2001 as the first Czech and Slovak workshop aiming to facilitate closer cooperation of professionals working in the field of applied cryptography and related areas of security.

This get-together of experts is organized in order to foster exchange of information and ideas on past, ongoing, and also future projects. We recognize the need of experts meeting their colleagues without the hassle of taking care of their organization (potential) customers, bosses and other distracting forces. ;-)

This workshop will consist of (a) an informal meeting (and possibly a panel discussion) on December 10, 2001 and (b) presentation of papers and discussions on December 11, 2001.

There will also be two invited talks at the workshop:
- Bart Preneel (KU Leuven) on the NESSIE project,
- Fabien Petitcolas (Microsoft Research) on the relation of watermarking and cryptography.

Instructions for authors

Interested parties are invited to submit papers on the following areas:
- Applied cryptography.
- Security applications of cryptography.
- Standardization and legislation issues related to cryptography.
- Privacy enhancing technologies.
+ Other topics of interest to the applied crypto community.

Extended abstracts (800-1000 words), together with the author email address, phone number and postal address must reach the Program Committee (PC) on or before October 28th 2001. Electronic submissions is stronly preferred; paper submissions must consist of eight printed copies.

The abstract will be reviewed by the PC and authors will be notified of the acceptance/rejection by November 17th. The final version of the complete paper (5-15 A4 pages), together with a short biography (50-100 words) must be submitted before December 1st. Papers can be written in Czech, Slovak or English.

The extended abstracts and full papers should be submitted in RTF, HTML or ASCII.

Addresses for submission

Electronic submission of papers is strongly preferred.
Subject: "Kryptobesídka"
Postal address:
  V. Matyas, a.s.
  PO Box 7
  664 01 Bílovice nad Svitavou
  Czech Republic

Important dates

Extended abstract submission:                    October 28, 2001
Notification of acceptance:November 17, 2001
Draft (full) paper submission:December 1, 2001
Workshop:December 10-11, 2001
Final paper submission:January 11, 2002

Program committee:

Tonda Benes, SAP CR
Jaroslav Dockal, Military Academy Brno
Petr Hanacek, Brno University of Technology
Vashek Matyas, and Masaryk University - Chair
Daniel Olejar, UK Bratislava
Michal Sasinek, NBU MV SR
Ludek Smolik, seculab s.r.o.
Pavel Vondruska, Czech Data Protection Office

Organizing committee:

Dan Cvrcek, Brno University of Technology
Vit Kratina, - Secretary
Roman Pavlik,
Zdenek Riha, and Masaryk University - Chair
Jan Staudek, Masaryk University